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This page provides resources to help you learn more about modern slavery and the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Implementing the Modern Slavery Act 2018: The Australian Government's Annual Report 2022 - 13.0MiB
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires the Australian Government to report annually to Parliament about its actions to implement the legislation. This is the Australian Government's fourth report, which covers the 2022 calendar year. This report highlights the Government's continued efforts to engage with business and civil society to implement the Act and improve compliance over the first three reporting cycles.
Implementing the Modern Slavery Act 2018: The Australian Government's Annual Report 2021 - 1.8MiB
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires the Australian Government to report annually to Parliament about its actions to implement the legislation. This is the Australian Government's third report, which covers the 2021 calendar year. This report highlights the Government's continued efforts to engage with business and civil society to implement the Act and improve compliance over the first and second reporting periods.
Implementing the Modern Slavery Act 2018: The Australian Government's Annual Report 2020 - 1.1MiB
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires the Australian Government to report annually to Parliament about its actions to implement the legislation. This is the Australian Government's second report, which covers the 2020 calendar year. This report highlights the Australian Border Force's proactive consultation with business and civil society to implement the Act.
Implementing the Modern Slavery Act 2018: The Australian Government's Annual Report 2019 - 2.0MiB
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires the Australian Government to report annually to Parliament about its actions to implement the legislation. This is the Australian Government's first report, which covers the 2019 calendar year. This report highlights the Australian Border Force's proactive consultation with business and civil society to implement the Act.

Educational Video - Modern Slavery in the Cleaning Industry - 233.0MiB
This educational video, developed by the Cleaning Accountability Framework, provides a general overview of the risks of modern slavery in the cleaning industry. The video is tailored to staff who procure or manage cleaning contracts. The material includes the views or recommendations of third parties, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government.
Educational Video - Modern Slavery in the Cleaning Industry (with subtitles) - 329.2MiB
This educational video, developed by the Cleaning Accountability Framework, provides a general overview of the risks of modern slavery in the cleaning industry. The video is tailored to staff who procure or manage cleaning contracts. The material includes the views or recommendations of third parties, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government.

Year 2020 - 467.4MiB
All statements published in 2020 calendar year - both files and metadata
Year 2021 - 4.5GiB
All statements published in 2021 calendar year - both files and metadata
Year 2022 - 4.9GiB
All statements published in 2022 calendar year - both files and metadata
Year 2023 - 5.9GiB
All statements published in 2023 calendar year - both files and metadata
Year 2024 - 3.0GiB
All statements published in 2024 calendar year - both files and metadata

Official Modern Slavery Act Guidance - 1.7MiB
This detailed guidance material provides step-by-step instructions about how to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and advice about good-practice. This guidance also includes appendices with information about key issues, including risk indicators, engaging with suppliers, and responding to cases. The Attorney-General's Department developed this guidance in consultation with business and civil society experts.
Modern Slavery Statement Annexure - 851.0KiB
This Modern Slavery Statement Annexure is intended to provide an example of how reporting entities can clearly demonstrate where in their statement they have addressed the mandatory reporting criteria set out in section 16 of the Modern Slavery Act 2018, as well as clearly displaying the entity’s principal governing body approval and signature from the responsible member. Entities can use this Annexure directly, or can include a similar format in their modern slavery statement to help ensure they are meeting all reporting requirements of the Act.
Supplementary Guidance - Principal Governing Body Approval - 93.5KiB
This supplementary guidance demonstrates how entities should show the approval of their principal governing body as required in section 13 of the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Supplementary Guidance - Signature of a Responsible Member - 82.8KiB
This supplementary guidance demonstrates how entities should show the signature of a responsible member in their modern slavery statements as set out in section 13 of the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Supplementary Guidance - Mandatory Criteria 6 on consultation with entities the reporting entity owns or controls - 601.5KiB
This guidance document demonstrates how entities should show how they addressed mandatory reporting criteria 6 'consultation with entities the reporting entity owns or controls'.
Supplementary Guidance - Mandatory Criteria 5 effectiveness of actions taken to assess and address modern slavery risks - 632.8KiB
This guidance document demonstrates how entities should show how they addressed mandatory reporting criteria 5 'effectiveness of actions taken to assess and address modern slavery risks'
Supplementary Guidance - Mandatory Criteria 4 on assessing and addressing risks in operations and supply chains - 517.8KiB
This guidance document demonstrates how entities should show how they addressed mandatory reporting criteria 4 'assessing and addressing risks in operations and supply chains'.
Supplementary Guidance - Mandatory Criteria 3 describing risks of modern slavery practices in operations and supply chains - 513.6KiB
This guidance document demonstrates how entities should show how they addressed mandatory reporting criteria 3 'describing risks of modern slavery practices in operations and supply chains'.
Information Sheet: COVID-19 and Modern Slavery Risks - 81.1KiB
This information sheet provides guidance for entities about how to reduce the risk of vulnerable workers in their operations and supply chains becoming exposed to modern slavery as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This information sheet also explains how reporting entities under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 can address the impact of COVID-19 in their modern slavery statements.
Infographic: Modern Slavery - 147.1KiB
This infographic provides key information about modern slavery, the Australian Government's response and the types of products and services that have high modern slavery risks.
Modern Slavery Act Reporting Update - November 2020 - 343.5KiB
The Australian Border Force is closely monitoring the quality of modern slavery statements. This reporting update identifies good-practice trends and areas for improvement.

Modern Slavery Toolkit for Government Procurement Officers - 326.3KiB
This procurement toolkit is aimed at procurement officers who work in any government department, agency or body. It provides a range of resources to assist procurement officers to identify, assess and manage modern slavery risks at all stages of the procurement process. This Toolkit has been designed to be used within the existing Commonwealth procurement framework, primarily the Commonwealth Procurement Rules.
Modern Slavery Model Contract Clauses - 314.0KiB
A suite of model modern slavery contract clauses with graduating obligations, depending on the modern slavery risk profile of the procurement.
Modern Slavery Tender Clauses and Guidance - 574.0KiB
Modern slavery model tender clauses with graduating obligations, depending on the modern slavery risk profile of the procurement.
Supplier Questionnaire - Word Document - 30.7KiB
Word document of the Supplier Questionnaire for dissemination to suppliers.
Public Scoping Paper: Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement - 321.4KiB
This scoping paper outlines how the Australian Government will approach preparing its first Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement. The Government is committed to taking a best practice approach to complying with its obligations under the Act, including by publishing annual Commonwealth Statements that respond to all criteria under the legislation. The Government is also committed to developing responses to modern slavery in public sector supply chains that prioritise the best interests of survivors.

Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement 2022-23 - 2.1MiB
The Commonwealth Statement is submitted on behalf of all non-corporate Commonwealth entities. This fourth Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement describes the Government’s actions to identify, assess and address modern slavery risks in Commonwealth Government operations and global supply chains during the 2022–23 Australian financial year.
Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement 2021-22 - 2.8MiB
The Commonwealth Statement is submitted on behalf of all non-corporate Commonwealth entities. The Government’s third Commonwealth Statement continues to build on the targeted risk-based approach to identifying, assessing and addressing modern slavery risks in Commonwealth Government operations and global supply chains in the 2021-22 Australian financial year.
Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement 2020-21 - 951.6KiB
The Commonwealth Statement is submitted on behalf of all non-corporate Commonwealth entities. In this second Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement, the Australian Government reports on its activities to identify, assess and address modern slavery risks in Commonwealth Government operations and global supply chains in the 2020-21 Australian financial year.
Commonwealth Modern Slavery Statement 2019-20 - 3.4MiB
The Commonwealth Statement is submitted on behalf of all non-corporate Commonwealth entities. The Government’s first Commonwealth Statement takes a targeted, risk-based approach to identifying and assessing modern slavery risks in Commonwealth Government operations and global supply chains during the 2019-20 Australian financial year.

Modern Slavery Act 2018 - 628.6KiB
The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) entered into force on 1 January 2019. The Act established a national Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement (Reporting Requirement).