The publication of modern slavery statements (statements) on this Register does not indicate compliance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act). Pursuant to section 19(2) of the Act, the Attorney-General’s Department publishes all statements properly submitted to this Register, including compliant and non-compliant statements, in order to maximise transparency and ensure entities are publicly accountable for their actions to address modern slavery risks. Statements that fail to meet the requirements for approval and signature set out in sections 13(2) or 14(2) of the Act will not be registered.

Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN) Compendium 2020
01 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
Annual revenue
Industry sectors
Financial, insurance and real estate activities
Education and research
Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
Charitable / not-for-profit activities

ABN: 42 624 828 306

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 72 823 907 843

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 85 176 448 204

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 22 616 685 167

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 69 064 946 318

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 46 619 593 369

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 83 096 708 922

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 69 154 531 870

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 89 614 115 856

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 21 930 207 958

Non-profit organisation

ABN: 91 161 127 340

Non-profit organisation